Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Thrift Haul

Time for a super quick, short and sweet thrift haul.  Even though it is short, I did find some gems.

This might be my favorite find, I picked up this comfort colors Alabama sweatshirt.  It is super oversized but really comfortable.  I have pretty much been living in it at home.  Best thing, it was less than $3.

I have a tendency to like vintagey weird items, I like to refer to my style as Grandma Chic.  This pretty embroidered sweater was only $1 and just had to come home with me.

Chunky knit cardigans always have my heart.  This was originally from Target and was $2.  It is the perfect layering piece and oh so cozy.

I loved the tribal western vibe this sweater had going on.  Another slightly weird find but for $1 I couldn't pass it up.  I think styled with tall boots I can make it work.

Have you been thrifting lately?  What have you found?

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