Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Summer 2019: Brad Paisley Concert

The continuing saga of Erin's free concert tickets.  Y'all my secret talent might be winning concert tickets...
I ended up randomly winning Brad Paisley tickets a few weeks ago and my husband and I had a little Friday night concert date.

It rained earlier but we managed to have a rain free night, it was also not crazy hot since the rain cooled things off earlier.  

Riley Green is a really new so he only played three songs, Chris Lane played next and he was great.  I have been following him for a while since he is a local boy from near where I grew up.  It's neat to see him actually preforming for real.

He just recently got engaged to Lauren Bushnell from the Bachelor franchise, he told a few stories about her and it was really cute.

My favorite part of the whole night just might have been when Chris Lane did a whole old 90's country set and I was living for it!

Brad Paisley was up next and he didn't disappoint.  He is crazy talented and it shows.  My husband knows way more about guitar and playing music so he was really impressed with all his maneuvers and solos.

It was a really funny concert, they all just seemed to be having a good time together.  One girl gave them her phone to take a picture and they all took a selfie.

They didn't let her off easy, they then proceeded to go through her photos and showed everyone that she took a picture of her boots and led to the fact that she had a dirty picture (we will never know).  

They had a military salute which hits a little closer to home now with my brother coming near his deployment date.  I appreciate the support for military personnel and remembering their service. 

We really enjoyed spending our Friday night with Brad, great music and funny commentary.

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