Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Weekend in NC: Wedding Festivities and visiting the Chick-Fil-A Dwarf House!!

Story time, my sister has never been one to be about a lot of fuss.  She had been dating her boyfriend Tanner for a while (two years maybe) and had talked about eloping and just getting married at the courthouse.  It didn't end up quite like that but still low key.  She got engaged and then a couple of days later had a small ceremony.  The original plan was to just go to the courthouse but she ended up last minute having a ceremony.  Being 8 hours away Kyle and I weren't able to come to the ceremony on such short notice.  As there wasn't an actual reception or way to celebrate with everyone my parents decided to throw a small get together an "I Do BBQ" if you will.  Kyle and I drove down for a quick weekend with everyone.

We stopped for dinner outside Atlanta and it has become a little tradition to eat Chick-Fil-A on our road trips so we stopped at one.  Little did we know that this random Chick-Fil-A we stopped at was one of the Dwarf houses.  It was the cutest Chick-Fil-A ever!!  Unfortunately it was about 30 minutes to closing time so we didn't get to experience all the other food offerings that Dwarf Houses have, look it up they even serve burgers.

We finally made it to NC around 3:00 AM and crashed.  After a couple hours of sleep my sister and I made a Dunkin Donuts run because coffee was completely necessary.  I got an iced coffee with brown sugar syrup and cream and I definitely recommend it.

I then went with my sister to get her hair done and run some errands and we made our way to the party.  It was held at a local sale barn and I couldn't wait to bust out my boots!

We have to get pictures whenever we are all together!

I found these sister bracelets online and loved the idea.  We all put them on together and I love seeing it on my wrist as a reminder of our connection.

No pictures with Dad or my brother Jacob but we do what we can...everyone is running in different directions and getting things ready for the party at least we got these.

It was a whirlwind trip but we had a great time.  I loved spending a little bit of time with my family, seeing people that have been a part of my life and celebrating with everyone.  Kyle's family even got to come up and it was great to see them.  Kyle and I stayed at my sister's new house and got to spend time with her and Tanner and see their house.  We also had a chance to go to my home church, I always love going back.  It was such a great trip and it just felt good to get back to family, home and the simplicity of the country.  I left feeling a little emotional about the distance and not being able to get back as often as we like but also feeling grateful and more grounded in a way.

Thanks for a great weekend!

1 comment :

  1. What a sweet blog about your NC weekend. I've been meaning to read it. Makes me a little emotional, too, these rare times when everyone can get together!
