Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What's In My Hospital Bag


I did a ton of research on what all I should bring in my hospital bag and wanted to share what I personally packed in mine along with a recap of what I actually used. 

I used my trusty old Vera Bradley duffel that I have had since college (girl has been around).  I have heard people bring roller suitcases for an easier carry but this duffel worked fine.  I was able to pack my stuff, Kyle's and the baby's all in one bag.  We also brought a second bag with snacks and any little extras.
What I packed:
Random Items:
- Laundry bag: We just threw all the dirty items in there and that made for easier cleanup once we were home.
- Water bottle: Our nurses brought water when we asked but it was also nice to be able to fill up our own if we needed to.
- Hair ties: As soon as I was in the car to go to the hospital my hair went up.  I ended up loosing that one during labor...always good to have extras.
- Chapstick: Hospital air is dry and with all the breathing during labor your lips get chapped, don't forget this!
- Toiletries: I just packed travel sizes of deodorant (super important!), shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.  
- Dry Shampoo: Also important if you don't feel like washing/doing your hair.
- Makeup wipes: I didn't wear makeup my whole time at the hospital but it was nice to use a wipe just to freshen up.
- Plastic Folder: Random but they give you so much paperwork to take home with you.  It was nice to have a place to put it all.
- Towel: Nope not for the shower...I brought this in the car just in case my water broke while driving over.  The hospital will provide towels for the shower but you could totally bring your own if you want.
- Plastic bag: Another thing for the car.  I got a little nauseous during labor so this was my barf bag.  Luckily didn't need to use it but handy to have just in case.
- Pillow and blanket: I actually didn't bring either of these for myself, just went with what the hospital had.  Kyle did bring his own pillow and we brought a blanket for him.
- Prenatals: It's important to keep taking your prenatals even after you deliver (especially if you are breastfeeding).  Make sure you bring yours so you don't skip a day.  I just packed a few in a plastic bag.
- Snacks: We weren't sure what the eating situation would be like with Covid going on as well as just timing.  We brought a bag of all kinds of snacks. Some things I packed: Gatorade, cookies, candy, crackers, protein bars.  Easy things to munch on if we couldn't get food at that time.  Our hospital actually gave us a little bag with snacks and then served me three meals and Kyle could go down and pick up food from the cafeteria.  The first thing I ate after delivery was definitely a little bag of chocolate chip cookies. 
- Phone Charger: Updating everyone and taking ALL the pictures you need to make sure you have your charger!  Some people said to bring a long charger, we just brought our regular ones and they worked out fine.
- Nursing Pillow: I brought one but it never made it out of the car.
- Nipple Cream: YES!  First Time mamas especially make sure you have some!  I brought some coconut oil as well as this nipple butter.

Clothing items:
- Nursing bra: I wore one to the hospital and then I packed one as well.  A good amount of the time I pretty much went withoutWith Covid we didn't have any visitors so I didn't really get ready or change clothes that much.
- Breast pads: packed and didn't use
- Leggings: I wasn't sure what I would feel like wearing but I didn't end up using these.
- Joggers/sweatpants: I wanted something loose and comfy so my joggers were perfect.
- Dressed to deliver gown: I didn't use this to deliver and thought I might change into it after but ended up being another item I didn't really use there.
- Nursing tanks: These are nice to wear even without a bra.  When breastfeeding, especially at the beginning, you just need easy access.
- Cardigan: My temperature was all over the place, sometimes hot sometimes cold.  It was nice to have a cardigan to throw on in case I got cold.
- Underwear: Packed but didn't use.
- Flip-Flops: We picked up $1 pairs for the hospital shower and just walking around.  

Baby Items:
- Blanket: It was April when our baby was born and it was a little chilly.  I was glad to have a cozy blanket to wrap over her in the carseat to take her home.  The hospital will wrap the baby up in a blanket there as well.
- Two outfits: We really only ended up using the one to take her home.  I recommend bringing multiple sizes if you have them.  She was too small for the newborn clothes that we brought.
- Name sign: I got a cute little sign with her name for pictures.  There are so many fun picture photo props, check out etsy!
- Sound Machine: We tried to use it one night but I don't really think it made a difference.  Probably wouldn't bring it again.
- Carseat: Make sure you have it installed in the car, they won't let you leave without it!

What the hospital provided:
- Postpartum essentials: I didn't need anything extra, they provided all the things I needed (mesh underwear, witch hazel pads, pads, peri bottle, dermaplast).
- Baby items: They also provided a small pack of diapers, wipes, nose aspirator and shampoo/baby wash.

What I wish we brought:
- Zip swaddles: Next baby we will be bringing these!  We both aren't that great at swaddling with a blanket and having those zip swaddles makes it so much easier!  No breaking out and no risk of covering the face, makes it so much easier to relax and sleep.

Yes I over packed and didn't use everything I brought but I didn't want Kyle to have to leave and go get anything.  The hospital was really great and had all the things we needed.  Let me know down below your hospital bag must-haves!

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