Monday, July 12, 2021

Third Trimester Recap

If you are following along you know that our sweet little baby is already here but I figured I would go ahead and round out the trimester recaps.  So about the third trimester:
My bump finally started to pop!  It really took until about 30 weeks before I had an actual baby belly.  Being pregnant during a pandemic has definitely made things a little different.  We had virtual showers, I pretty much just hang out at home all the time and I have to go to appointments by myself.  I wish we had been able to share more of this experience with our families but even with everything so strange it has been a sweet experience.  


Experienced some sciatic nerve pain, doctor said she is probably sitting on my nerve.  Pretty painful actually, anyone who has that normally I completely feel for you!  Still having leg cramps at night and constant bathroom breaks.


I expected to have all kinds of crazy cravings during pregnancy but I really haven't.  Mexican food always sounds good and I still just want the off limits turkey sandwich.


She is kicking and moving around all the time!  So neat to feel her little movements.

We have been taking time to really get things ready.  We put together the crib and set up her nursery.  Hospital bags are packed up (post coming soon!)  We are also just trying to enjoy time together before we are a family of three. 

Labor Prep:
With her delivery date approaching I have been watching all the videos and trying to get prepared as best as I can.  I am also eating 4-6 dates everyday and drinking red raspberry leaf tea.  I am definitely nervous for the unknown but am excited for the experience and to finally meet our little girl.  

Third trimester was a sweet time of preparation.  I finally looked pregnant and got to show off my belly.  Yes I was uncomfortable and yes there were many times I was tired of being pregnant but looking back on those pictures I can't believe my body was holding (and growing) our sweet baby. 

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