Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pregnancy Must-Haves


Just a new mama rounding up info and things I found helpful during my pregnancy that I wanted to share. 

Prenatal vitamins: These are the vitamins I took but you can take whatever brand you like, make sure it has folic acid.  I found these easy to take and didn't taste bad.  I actually started taking these about 1-2 months before I was pregnant to make sure that my body was preparing and getting all the nutrients stored up for pregnancy.

Nursing bra: Your body changes and things are growing so you'll probably need a bigger bra.  I didn't want to go out and buy a larger bra just to have to buy nursing bras later so I just went ahead and got the nursing bras and wore those.  These are super comfy you can even sleep in them.

Dates: Random but I really feel like these made a difference, not so much in my pregnancy but in my labor/delivery.  I did a ton of research and read that dates help with cervical ripening which helps shorten labor and increase cervical dilation.  This was my first baby so I don't know how my body naturally responds to labor but I was dilated 1cm at 38 weeks and then a few days before my due date I was 2-3cm.  I'll share my labor story soon but I was dilated pretty quick.  I don't know how much the dates had to play in all that but they sure didn't hurt.  They recommend starting to eat 4-6 dates a day at around 36 weeks.  I ate them with peanut butter, in smoothies and at the beginning all on their own.  Towards the end I was so tired of dates and even now I don't want to eat any dates, but if it makes for a shorter labor I'll chow down on some.

Cocoa butter lotion: I used this through my entire pregnancy every night and hardly have any stretch marks.  I have heard that stretch marks are genetic and you really can't prevent them but hey anything to moisturize and maybe help prevent is good.

Exercise ball: Again I did a lot of research and watch so many labor/pregnancy videos that spoke the wonders of an exercise ball.  There are so many things you can do to help baby get in the right position and just get a little more comfortable yourself.  Towards the end of my pregnancy I would sit on the ball at the end of the day and do hip circles to try and loosen up my pelvis.  I had bad sciatic nerve pain during some of my pregnancy and this helped as well to take some pressure off.  I also used it when I was laboring at home to sway and take some weight off my hips and move my body.  Some women bring it with them to the hospital and some hospitals provide one, I just used it at home but I do recommend getting one!

Raspberry leaf tea: Yet another research item.  I heard that it might help prepare the cervix and uterus.  My doctor recommended taking it after 34 weeks.  Don't take it before 32 weeks!  I started out with one cup in the morning and then further in my pregnancy did one cup in the morning and then made an iced version for the afternoon.  Again not sure if it helped or not but it didn't hurt.  Make sure you consult your doctor before taking this just in case.  

 Those are just a few things I found helpful for an easier pregnancy and also labor/delivery.  Let me know if you have tried any of these and be sure to leave your must-haves below!

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