Sunday, January 24, 2021

Recent Baby Finds


Here we are at 27 weeks and just trying to round up all the things we need to get ready for this little baby.  Here are some things that we have been given/picked up that I wanted to share:

Pediped Leopard Shoes: How cute are these shoes??  Pediped shoes are designed to promote healthy foot development with soft, flexible soles to provide protection for their little feet from crawling to walking.  They are made with super soft leather and the quality is awesome!  When babies are learning how to walk they like to be able to grip and feel the floor, because these shoes are bendable and don't have hard edges they are able to easily feel the ground.  They are also really adorable.     

ErgoPouch Swaddle: Stocking up on all the swaddles for comfort and sleep.  This swaddle is made from super soft organic cotton and features a two way zipper for easy changes.  The print is adorable and allows for the baby to have their arms out or in depending on preference and comfort.  They have so many different options and styles.  This one is recommended for temperatures between 68 and 75 degrees. 

Ubbi Diaper Pail: This was a recommendation/gift from a friend and I can't wait to try it out!  Yep, I'm excited about a diaper trash can.  I have always heard about the Diaper Genie but you have to buy special bags to use it.  This diaper pail you can use a normal trash bag so no special purchase necessary. 

Sound Machine: This has been on all the baby must-have lists I have been looking at so I figured it was worth a go.  This one is from Amazon and has a selection of white noise and different sounds as well as a light.  I am planning on using this near the bassinet to comfort the baby as well as use the light for easy feedings and changes in the middle of the night.   

MAM Baby Products: I have heard so many good reviews of this brand so I was really excited to receive some to checkout!  The bottle is anti colic and also has a really sweet design.  Also got a two pack of pacifiers and the cutest teether.  

Let me know your baby must-haves as we are gathering supplies to prepare!

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Splurge vs. Save: Dolve Vita Zonya Sneakers + 50% OFF TARGET SNEAKERS!!!


Dolce Vita is one of my favorite shoe brands but they are definitely on the pricey side.  They have so many fun and unique designs!  I have been eyeing the high top sneaker trend (still not sure if I can pull them off yet or not) but I am into it.  Target is always top of the game for good dupes and these are really close!  They have the gold detailing, black back accent and side zip.  They are just missing the traditional Dolce Vita arrow design but for the price difference I don't even mind.  To sweeten this deal even more Target has a MAJOR SALE going on right now:
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They are selling out FAST so snag them while you can.  I wanted to try out the trend so I picked up a pair of high tops, I ended up with the gray version and I'll let you know what I think. 

 Let me know how you would rock the high top trend and if you manage to snag any shoe deals!


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Instagram Roundup

Another late instagram roundup...what's new.
Hope you enjoy the backtrack into how we spent our holiday and some other random things:
Comfy is my go-to right now.  If it's not comfortable, I'm not wearing it.  Pretty much living in leggings for that reason (plus they fit over the bump).  This pair and tunic sweater are from Peach and I love them!
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Flashback to when we found out we were having a baby GIRL!!  Still so excited!  Check out my 1st trimester recap for more info.  

Since we found out that we were having a little girl I have been picking up ALL the bows and girly things!  So much fun!  This set from Four Little Sparrows is my favorite!

This one is for all my Lord of the Rings stinking cute is this onesie?!?!  This one is from the cutest shop: Snickerdoodle on etsy.  
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Slowly getting together the necessities for our little baby.  I had heard so many good things about MAM products so I knew I wanted to pick some up for our baby.  I can't wait to try out the pacifiers, bottle and cutest little teether!
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Had to sneak our little baby into our Christmas card next year, crazy to think next Christmas we will have her in person!

Christmas was a lot different than we originally planned (thanks COVID) but we did manage to have a White Christmas for the first time in years.

Bump's first Christmas!  Starting to poke out a little bit :)

Most liked pictures for the year and no surprise that all the baby things were top :)  We are excited too!  Check out my Year in Review post here in case you missed it!

Slowly but surely getting caught up, things are busy here prepping for baby and just carrying on with normal life.  Hope you all are safe and well!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Best Walmart Clearance Finds!


My love for Walmart finds is still going strong!  So many good pieces on MARKDOWN!!

Crocodile Tote Bag: Such a chic looking bag and on sale for $22!  I love this emerald crocodile version but they also have leopard, black pebbled, cognac and more!

 Striped Peplum Top: This cute top is on sale for $6 and comes in multiple colors!  I always love a good peplum top.

Quilted Bag: Designer inspired for less than $20!  You can't beat it.  I have seen so many bloggers rave about this brand on Walmart and I love the look of this bag.

Zip Pouch and Card Case: Such a cute little gift set available in multiple patterns for $12.  Comes with a card case for your keys and a cute little pouch.  If you have a friend with a birthday coming up (or LATE Christmas present) this would be so cute!

Faux Fur Jacket: Beautiful faux fur jacket for $20?!?  This one comes in multiple colors and looks so luxurious!

Logo Tote: I love the look of this designer inspired tote bag!  Under $22 and so chic!

1/4 Zip Pullover: Such a cute leopard print pullover for $6!

Triple Section Tote bag: Apparently I was feeling all the bags, but they really are that good!  I love a triple section bag and this one is so pretty!  Available in multiple colors.  I love this cheetah print but they also have a really fun lizard, cognac crocodile and black pebble.  For less than $23 you can't go wrong!

Let me know if you snag any of these and if you find any other goodies!

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Instagram Roundup

Forever playing catchup day maybe I'll get back on track.  Here's a super late Instagram Roundup:

Picked up the cutest baby clothes from Swap
I can't resist a cute little baby outfit with cows! 
Random trip to Target to look at baby stuff.  Getting a baby registry together is no joke y'all, there's so much stuff!
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Always a sucker for a cute mug!  These were the cutest holiday mugs from Target this past season.  Yep I know it's past Christmas but here it is anyway.
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First thing I bought after finding out I was pregnant was this dainty "mama" necklace from Fossil.  Unfortunately I think mine is sold out but here are a few similar ones.

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Here's to catching up and trying to get ahead...maybe.

Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 Year in Review

2020 started off pretty normal but as we are all too familiar with it soon took a pretty hard turn to a very different year.  Even with all the changes and craziness this year brought, 2020 was still filled with great memories.

Celebrated turning the big 3-0 in February.  I got the cutest balloons and flowers at work.  Later on I celebrated with Kyle going shopping and getting dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  Check out more on my birthday celebrations here

We also made the trip up to Birmingham to check out the Vulcan Statue.  I love exploring random attractions close by and this one had been on my list.  Little did we know it would be the last trip up to Birmingham before things shut down.  See more about the Vulcan Statue here.  


When things were still normal we made a point to get to some of the Alabama sports offerings.  For Valentine's day Kyle and I went to a gymnastics meet.  Something I had wanted to do for a while and it was neat to see.  We also went to a basketball game with some friends.  Both resulted in an Alabama win so I'd say they were a success.

My little sister had the chance to go to New York for a writing class assignment over her spring break so my mom and I decided to tag along.  This was right before everything went crazy and shutdown.  It ended up a little crazy but we were all thankful to have been able to experience the trip together.

She had to visit places that inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald's Gatsby so we made a stop at one of the mansions outside of the city.

First time taking the Staten Island Ferry.

Also got to visit walk the High Line and see the cool sculpture at Hudson Yards.

Walked through Times Square, so weird to see pictures now with empty sidewalks.  

I'm so glad my mom and sister got to experience Phantom before everything shut down! 
One day I'll get a recap of our trip up...things went crazy after we got home and I never shared.

Last stop on the Fitzgerald tour was the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.  This is where he spent the later years of his life.  Always such a beautiful place to walk around.

We had such a great trip and then Corona turned everything upside down.  I worked from home for weeks, plans were turned upside down.

This photo-shoot was planned to take place at Disney, Corona had other plans.  Still got some really cute shots!

Way out of my comfort zone for the shoot but it was really fun.  Check out the collection here.

June brought even bigger changes as we prepared to move from Alabama to South Carolina.  While excited to move closer to family it was bittersweet to leave all our friends that we had made while living in Alabama for almost 5 years!

My work friend Maddie took some pictures of us on campus.  Sweet memories of a place that was so good to us.

Moving during a pandemic was quite an experience.  Adjusting to a new place while still staying healthy and safe.  We spent a lot of time exploring outside and ranking our favorite parks.

Bonus we also moved close to a Bruster's Ice Cream and we definitely made good use of it!  My absolute favorite flavor is the wedding cake!

Moving back closer to home allowed us to make a few trips to the lake, something we have missed for years!  Such a nice time to relax, disconnect from the world and spend time with family.

August brought with it the biggest change when we found out we were pregnant!  Check out more on that here!
 2020 also brought my brother back home from his extended deployment!  We were so excited to be able to be there to welcome him home!  
This was also the day we told my family that we were expecting ;)

More time spent outdoors exploring.  With things closed we were really forced to find other things to do.  We have really enjoyed checking out all the parks and nature spots around.

We officially announced we were pregnant in November and since then its been ALL baby!

We are so excited for this adventure and can't wait to meet our little baby!

We found out we were having a baby GIRL and things got even more exciting!  I've been picking up all the bows and pink things!

2020 wasn't the year we expected but it was filled with so many blessings.  We will always be thankful for this year celebrating and experiencing our first pregnancy.  We are so excited to welcome our little baby girl in 2021!
In spite of everything I hope you all had a great year and remember the good from 2020!
Happy New Year!