Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Favorites

It's about time I got back and started talking about my favorites.

Adidas Sneakers: These were a birthday gift and I love them!  They are such a pretty classic sneaker and the rose gold touch adds a chic touch.  Mine are the lilac color, I'd say they are really cram with the slightest tint of lilac.

Torani Syrup: Since we've been staying home I have started making my own lattes.  I have the hazelnut flavored syrup and have really enjoyed adding milk, creamer and the syrup to my coffee for an easy at home latte.  If you really want to get fancy you can froth up your milk with this guy.

The Kennedys: I just started this series on Hulu and I'm hooked.  I had heard about this series when it first came out but never watched it.  I've really been into watching more historical based series and shows.  This one follows the Kennedys and the journey to the White House and the tragedies that follow.  I have really been enjoying watching it.

Blink: I played this game all the time with my siblings when I was younger.  While stuck at home Kyle and I have been playing more games and this has been a nightly pick.  You can only play with two people and its super fast.  If you are looking for a fun card game check this one out!

Kendra Scott Earrings: This was another birthday gift and I LOVE them!  They are so classy yet subtle.  Perfect for wearing with pretty much everything!  Also they are on sale ;)

Hope you all have been doing well and not getting too stir crazy!  Let me know what you have been loving lately in the comments below!  
Stay Safe!

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