Thursday, September 23, 2021

Nursing Favorites


My nursing journey started off a little rocky, we had trouble getting a good latch and I got really sore.  We ended up having to spoon feed colostrum in the hospital and then pump and syringe feed her once we got home.  It definitely made things more complicated and I was upset as a new mom not being able to feed my baby the way I wanted to.  We still tried to get latched a couple times a day and I went to see a lactation consultant.  I really wanted to breastfeed so we kept at it and FINALLY got her latched on right and started our breastfeeding journey.

I have now been exclusively breastfeeding her since she was about one month, no bottles and I also haven't had to pump in months.  I am hoping to go to a full year.  Here are some things that I have LOVED during my time breastfeeding. 

Hot/Cold therapy packs: When you first start out your breasts are super sore and just getting used to everything.  These are awesome as they can be microwaved to be hot or stick them in the freezer for a little cool relief.  They are also nice for helping if you get clogged ducts.

Coconut oil: I have some of the nipple butter to use as well but I used coconut oil as well and found it to work too.  It is super moisturizing, naturally antibacterial and safe for your baby to ingest so you don't have to wipe it off. 

Nursing pads: I have some disposable ones as well but these are so much easier.  I have a whole stack and just throw them in the wash.  Affordable, better for the environment and get the job done.

Lactation massager: About month 3 I ended up with a pretty annoying clogged duct.  Those things are really painful and if left untreated can lead to mastitis.  I was using a vibrating back massager to try and break it up but this tool is so much better!  It is actually formed to better break up clogs as well as help your milk to flow better.  You can use this nursing or pumping.  I wish I had this from the beginning.  

Milk Collectors: If you are working on building up your freezer supply of milk, you don't want all your liquid gold to just leak out into your nursing pads.  These guys fit in your bra and collect milk throughout the day.  They can be a little hard to get used to and don't bend too far over while wearing them or you will have a mess. 

Nursing bras: I picked these up during my pregnancy and am still wearing them.  They are pretty basic but really soft and comfortable.  They have washed and help up really well. 

Haaka: So many recommendations for this!  Another great tool if you are building up your freezer stash.  While your baby is nursing you simply attach this to the opposite side and it will catch any let down.  You wouldn't think it would be that much but it really catches a lot.  There are other uses for this as well.  I used it with hot water and epsom salts to help unclog ducts as well as just to soothe.

Sunflower Lecithin: I was recommended this from my doctor to help prevent clogged ducts and help milk flow easier.  It is supposed to increase polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk and decrease stickiness.  I take it everyday and I have not had a clogged duct in months.  Definitely recommend checking with your doctor to see if you should take it, especially if you have regular clogs.

Nursing nightgown: I have been living in these!  They are so comfy and easy for nighttime feeds.  They are padded, and the pads are actually sewn in so they don't fall out or move around.  They have the clip down feature for easy access.  I have one from Walmart but these from Motherhood Maternity are my FAVORITE!!  

We are five months in and I'm still learning and figuring out this nursing journey.  It is not easy that is for sure but our bodies are so amazing that we can feed our babies and give them everything they need.

Let me know your nursing must-haves below!  

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