For starters my etsy shop has been getting a little more attention! I just started a monogram store on etsy and I've started to get some order in which is really exciting :)
My husband is preparing to graduate with his Master's degree in 2 weeks! So proud of him! He has been swamped with schoolwork and finding a summer job so I've been doing a lot of the housework to give him a break.
Along with that we are Alabama. My husband will be starting his PHD there so we were in Alabama this past weekend looking for houses to rent and we found one! It was such a tiring weekend, with driving 12 of the 24 hours we spent there along with a time change and moving things to a storage unit....but it was successful and I think we are going to be happy there :)
As far as the Five Things Friday I loved it when I first started but then started to feel like a slave to coming up with things every week so it probably won't be a constant thing but I will throw it in every now and then.
Anyway that's an update on my life and things going on...I can't guarantee I'll blog all the time since things are only going to get crazier but I will try!
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