Alright guys another month is over and I managed to read 5 books this month! My goal is to read at least 3 a score for March!
I really have been trying to fit more reading into my schedule, I love to read but sometimes I just don't reach for a book. I have SO many books that I need to read and since we are moving in a couple of months I want to finish as many as I can so I don't have to move them.
Anyway here are the books I read this month:
Reached by Ally Condie
: I finally finished the Matched series! Honestly I was really not too excited about this one. I loved the first one and the second one was just ok, this one was good but not terribly crazy about this series. It is a dystopian romance series sot if you are into that check it out it's worth reading.
Gone Girl by: Gillian Flynn
: After hearing so much about this book I got on the bandwagon and read it. It is crazy...seriously crazy. It's about a marriage that is having problems, a wife that goes missing and a husband who is in the hot seat for murder...did he kill her or not? I won't spoil anything in case you haven't read it yet. The language was a little "R" for me...I just don't think it's necessary for all those words (sorry). The story was really interesting though. My husband and I rented the movie the other night and it was a little hard for me to watch in some places (just not my thing, I'm a baby) and a little rough but it is a movie/book that messes with your mind. That is right up my husband's alley since he is about to graduate with his masters in Psychology...
The Luxe by: Anna Godbersen
: I have been wanting to read this book for years and I found it at the Goodwill a couple of weeks ago. Ok so mainly I wanted to read it because the cover was so pretty but hey it was actually a good book. Picture Gossip Girl but in Victorian times...seriously what could be bad? There is murder, mystery, fashion and of course romance. I really liked it and it's a series so I'll have to keep my eyes open for more while thrifting.
The List by: Siobhan Vivian
: This one I borrowed from my sister, I love having a little sister with good taste in books. This one was just ok. It was a story about high school girls and the pressure to look pretty and the toll it can take on girls. It was interesting and definitely true. Girls struggle with body images and put a lot of pressure on each other to be "perfect". I thought this book did a good job bringing that to the surface. I wasn't crazy about the ending I felt like it just stopped and left you hanging a little. Still a good read, not great but good.
Fallen Angel by: Don J. Snyder
: This was another shared book, I love sharing books...I rarely EVER buy a book at full price (seriously I borrow them, find them at the thrift store or if I have to have it I get it from This one was a hand-me-down from my mom who said it was really good. It was a little cheesy Hallmark moviey (it's actually been made into a Hallmark movie) but it was a light easy read. The story was good, it was a bout a man who connected with a young girl and her father when he was little but something happened that changed their lives. Later down the road his father dies and he comes back to where he grew up and reconnects with the girl who is now a woman. You can figure out the rest but it was a sweet book.
What have you all been reading lately?
We posted what we read in March on the same day. You got more reading done than I did though haha. Im debating reading Gone Girl. I wanted to read it before seeing the movie, but I broke down and just saw the movie anyway. I didn't love it, so I'm not sure I'd love the book.
ReplyDeleteYea I wasn't crazy about the movie either but the book was good, great writing. My husband loved the movie but he's into that physiological messing with your mind stuff (he's a psychology major)