Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Labor Story: Shelby's Birth

Five months later, here is my labor story with Shelby.

April 22nd I started having cramps around 4AM that morning.  Not too bad just like mild period cramps.  They started to get a little more regular and felt a little stronger.  I started timing them and they were around 5 minutes apart but still not unbearable.  My app said "ok time to go to the hospital", and I was like no way it's definitely not time.  
I went about the day like normal, worked from home.  I did let work know that I might be having contractions so just be prepared.  Kyle worked like normal as well but he did pack up the car and make sure everything was ready. 
I still had contractions that came and went throughout the day, some strong some not.  That evening things started to kick up a notch.  We tried to go for a walk and I couldn't make it around the backyard.  The pain was definitely getting more intense.
 Kyle went to pick up dinner but I could barely eat with my contractions.  Continued timing contractions and they started to get more regular, Kyle said he thought it was time to go.  He actually had wanted to go long before then but I wanted to wait at home as long as possible to make sure I was really in labor and to help my labor continue.  The pain was getting really intense at that point so I agreed.  
We got to the hospital around 9PM and they checked us into triage.  They put me on the monitor to see the heartbeat and monitor my contractions.     
At this point I was around 4cm dilated.  My contractions were getting intense.  Still in triage dealing with  contractions we waited to see what was next.  My contractions were getting way more intense each time and finally my water broke.  At this point they checked me and I was 8cm.  The nurse said that my breathing was great and I was doing a great job managing everything.  She also said that I would be fine without an epidural (oh the foreshadowing).
They wheeled me on the bed to the delivery room and I told them I felt like I needed to push.  They told me to wait and then helped me onto the other bed.  I told them I wanted an epidural if possible, although I already knew things were moving really quick and there probably wouldn't be time and there definitely wasn't.
The room then filled up with all the nurses and doctor preparing the table for you and for the delivery.  They checked me and told me it was time to push.  I pushed for maybe thirty minutes or less.
Kyle was right beside me and he said that he could see the head and I was doing so good.  
At 11:41PM Shelby Elizabeth came into the world.  They toweled her off, Kyle cut the cord and then they placed her on my chest.  We snuggled and just looked at her and couldn't believe that she was finally here!

Shelby Elizabeth
6lbs 8oz 20 inches 
I watched a ton of videos and read so much information on preparing for labor and had my birth plan ready to go.  In the end things just happen, you're only in control of so much.  I hadn't necessarily planned on a natural birth but wanted to try if I was able.  Labor is hard and different for every woman.  I am so thankful for a safe and healthy delivery and a beautiful baby girl!

1 comment :

  1. You did great!! Wonderful birth experience. Thanks for sharing.
